" I value friendship but it has it's limit ", " Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives", " You worry about the present, I worry about the future". These are just some of the remarks of President Rodrigo Duterte from his SONA that caught peoples attention. July 23,2018 our President Duterte third SONA has ended, it only takes him 47 minutes and 55 seconds to be exact to finished it and believe it or not President said this without cussing. But what can we tell about his SONA?, do we agree on what his saying?. The SONA of the President Duterte received a different reaction from the netizens. Some are positive but many people disagree on what he said because he seemed liked he's contradicting his own statements and stances. In his SONA he mentioned about the hot issue about the war on drugs he said that it will be relentless and chilling, "Possibly hinting the pushers or drug addicts that they will be killed, care abo...