Tick... Tock.. Tick ... 11:15..11:35...11:45... waiting at the clock to strike at 12 o'clock. Where the unceasing loud noises, unending greetings, joyful laughters and beautiful fireworks display start. As the New Year arrived, may we change now the bad attitudes we have into good ones as how the calender turned its page forward. "You are so negative person, trust yourself okay?" I can't do this, I am sure of that. My grades will surely go down. Failure is connected in me. I shall now give up. I dont belong here. I will never fit in. "Intovert". Being alone is more fun than having people around you. Yes, am alone but not lonely at all. " Fiction are fiction, get a life!". Troy Ferrel, Deib Lohr, Maxpein Zein, Elijah Montefalco, Knight, Mika.... Jonaxx,Ventrecanard,Sweetmagnolia, Yam-Yam 28, alyloony, arildaine... Yes, that is just a few names and authors that I've known in wattpad. "I don't need additional...