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Showing posts from March, 2019

Unforgettable Last

    Every journey has a final destination. Every story has a  prologue and of course an epilogue. Statements have  period. And being a junior high student has an end.      It was like yesterday when my feet take me in this Computer Laboratory and now it's time for me close its door, before leaving it behind. This four corner room was once bare looking for me, strange. Days and months  passed,  it filled with laughters, sadness, memories, that made it familiar and comfortable like home. The lessons are not just about the history of computer to photoshoppe – academically, I also taught how to manage my  time, time is gold, and how to face the consequence of your action– real life lessons. These are priceless, I would never exchange it in anything because the time that we spent all together is already a treasure to me.      I may leave this classroom but what I've gained here will stay forever in me.

Be what you Want

     Dreams are like maps in this labyrinth world. The reason why we are following the right path. The reason why we are not yet lost. The reason why we are not yet giving up in this crazy maze. " I want to to be nurse someday ", said by the little girl. Nurse to assist the doctor in saving lives. " I promise I will be a writer ", grade schooler girl with a pigtails. Inspire people and give lessons in life. " Acountant, yes I will be one." the teenager girl said.  Make my parents proud and give them a better life.      Yes, just like you I also have a lots of  dreams. Is this really what I want?, can this make me happy?, is this what God wants me to do?. As a young child I really wanted to be a nurse someday, but as the day passes I also wanted to be writer, to write others and my story and as I grow older I realized that I should also be practical and be an accountant, a job that will make my family's life comfortable. But who says that

Save the Best for Last

        One word to described each of my.                     foundation day here in ISNHS.         114th  High School Day Celebration                              – enjoyable.         115th  High School Day Celebration                              – thrilling.          116th  High School Day Celebration                              – inspiring.         117th  High School Day Celebration                            – memorable.      Foundation Day never failed me to give something new, to give me something different, never failed to add another spices that I will surely never forget someday. But I can say that this year, my last year in Junior high school was totally the best.      From the unorganized lines of grade seven to straight lines in grade ten in the parade. From the minsdet of winning the competition to just go with the flow and enjoying the moment. From not paying attention from the speaker to putting all his/her words into our minds and hearts. We grow and t